Childcare in Breckland

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Victoria D.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Breckland
Comfortable with Newborn to Primary - Norfolk
| I’m Victoria, I work as a Nanny for two boys 3 and 18 months at RAF Marham. This will come to an end soon as they move away. Before I worked as an Early Years Educator in Newmarket. Before that I did the same thing back home in Durham I am Level 3 Supporting Teaching and Learning/Teaching Assistant with years of experience within different areas of teaching and childcare. I am excellent with children and all aspects of caring for them. I understand what is important when it comes to caring for a child- helping with homework, teaching them new skills, making sure they're having fun, making sure they're clean and tidy, providing the correct food and drinks, nap times and just general routines. I am very outgoing and fun! I have my own car so traveling is no problem. I previously worked for a single father, helping take care of his two children. I did everything around the house, as well as take them to school, pick them up, cook dinner, help with homework, bath them, and put them to bed. My present role is very full on, I work10 hours a day and do sleep overs often. I also babysit for them. They have trusted me with driving the boys. I even pick up their shopping!
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Breckland
Comfortable with Newborn to Primary - Norfolk
| I’m Victoria, I work as a Nanny for two boys 3 and 18 months at RAF Marham. This will come to an end soon as they move away. Before I worked as an Early Years Educator in Newmarket. Before that I did the same thing back home in Durham I am Level 3 Supporting Teaching and Learning/Teaching Assistant with years of experience within different areas of teaching and childcare. I am excellent with children and all aspects of caring for them. I understand what is important when it comes to caring for a child- helping with homework, teaching them new skills, making sure they're having fun, making sure they're clean and tidy, providing the correct food and drinks, nap times and just general routines. I am very outgoing and fun! I have my own car so traveling is no problem. I previously worked for a single father, helping take care of his two children. I did everything around the house, as well as take them to school, pick them up, cook dinner, help with homework, bath them, and put them to bed. My present role is very full on, I work10 hours a day and do sleep overs often. I also babysit for them. They have trusted me with driving the boys. I even pick up their shopping!
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From £10 per hour \
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Childcare in Breckland

When do you need childcare?