Childcare in Reigate and Banstead

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When do you need childcare?
Olivia N.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Reigate and Banstead
I am a music, Disney and animal fanatic. I’m light hearted but hardworking and enjoy helping others.
| I have no previous work experience in the child care sector, but have always been interested in it. I have a huge family with many children ranging from many different ages which I do often care for. I regularly babysit for family members and friends children, and enjoy it hugely.
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Reigate and Banstead
I am a music, Disney and animal fanatic. I’m light hearted but hardworking and enjoy helping others.
| I have no previous work experience in the child care sector, but have always been interested in it. I have a huge family with many children ranging from many different ages which I do often care for. I regularly babysit for family members and friends children, and enjoy it hugely.
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From £10 per hour \
Samantha S.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Reigate and Banstead
Happy, fun and energetuc individual.
| An experienced childcare practitioner who has worked in a variety of different roles. During this time I have developed loving friendships with all the children I have been lucky enough to care for and I feel extremely privileged and fortunate to be a part of their life progressions. I find it very rewarding helping the children develop in their skills and reaching their individual goals.
... more
  • From £10 /hr
  • Reigate and Banstead
Happy, fun and energetuc individual.
| An experienced childcare practitioner who has worked in a variety of different roles. During this time I have developed loving friendships with all the children I have been lucky enough to care for and I feel extremely privileged and fortunate to be a part of their life progressions. I find it very rewarding helping the children develop in their skills and reaching their individual goals.
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From £10 per hour \
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Childcare in Reigate and Banstead

When do you need childcare?