Childcare in East Lindsey

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Megan Bryony B.
  • From £8 /hr
  • East Lindsey
Hello, I’m Megan. I’ve been babysitting/housekeeping for 4+ years.
| My love for caring for children all started when years ago I babysat my little cousin and from then on I just knew that this was what I wanted to do. I’ve taken childcare level 1 and 2. My experience is listed below. Thank you! Child Supervisor Kids World - Skegness June 2015 to August 2015 Babysitter Babysitting for Victoria Baines - Lincolnshire Babysitting For Rachel Walls - Lincolnshire Child Practitioner- Work Experience Seathorne Primary School
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  • From £8 /hr
  • East Lindsey
Hello, I’m Megan. I’ve been babysitting/housekeeping for 4+ years.
| My love for caring for children all started when years ago I babysat my little cousin and from then on I just knew that this was what I wanted to do. I’ve taken childcare level 1 and 2. My experience is listed below. Thank you! Child Supervisor Kids World - Skegness June 2015 to August 2015 Babysitter Babysitting for Victoria Baines - Lincolnshire Babysitting For Rachel Walls - Lincolnshire Child Practitioner- Work Experience Seathorne Primary School
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From £8 per hour \
Millie T.
  • From £9 /hr
  • East Lindsey
My working hours are very flexible and I have multiple qualifications in childcare.
| I am 19 years old and currently on a gap year before starting university to study primary education. My dream is to be a primary school teacher and I am looking for additional experience while also saving for university. I am very passionate about working and caring for children. My working hours are very flexible and I am whiling to work long or short hours. I am also available to work some weekends if requested in advance. I have qualifications in child care and also in support teaching and learning. The last 2 years I have been volunteering in a local primary school and nursery for my courses and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
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  • From £9 /hr
  • East Lindsey
My working hours are very flexible and I have multiple qualifications in childcare.
| I am 19 years old and currently on a gap year before starting university to study primary education. My dream is to be a primary school teacher and I am looking for additional experience while also saving for university. I am very passionate about working and caring for children. My working hours are very flexible and I am whiling to work long or short hours. I am also available to work some weekends if requested in advance. I have qualifications in child care and also in support teaching and learning. The last 2 years I have been volunteering in a local primary school and nursery for my courses and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
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From £9 per hour \
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Childcare in East Lindsey

When do you need childcare?