Childcare in Tonbridge and Malling

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Faye B.
  • From £8 /hr
  • Tonbridge and Malling
Student looking for part time childcare work
| I am a student looking for part time childcare work. I have about 5 years of babysitting experience for children aged 7 months to 14 years. I’ve also worked at a children’s summer camp for 3 years, looking after children from 3-16 years; most recently as Early Years Coordinator and Assistant Camp Director. As a uni student I am very flexible with the hours I can work
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  • From £8 /hr
  • Tonbridge and Malling
Student looking for part time childcare work
| I am a student looking for part time childcare work. I have about 5 years of babysitting experience for children aged 7 months to 14 years. I’ve also worked at a children’s summer camp for 3 years, looking after children from 3-16 years; most recently as Early Years Coordinator and Assistant Camp Director. As a uni student I am very flexible with the hours I can work
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From £8 per hour \
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Childcare in Tonbridge and Malling

When do you need childcare?