Childcare in Central Bedfordshire

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When do you need childcare?
Sarah B.
  • From £9 /hr
  • Central Bedfordshire
cheerful positive hardworking and fun! Years of experience!
| I am a positive and hardworking person with years of experience in childcare! I have experience working with children aged from 0-7 years. I’m currently working full time in a childcare setting, I love my job and I am passionate about early years education! Whilst working I am in the final months of my BSC hons undergraduate degree which I have been working towards through the open university. I have received training on various areas of childcare including behaviour management and safeguarding. I am also paediatric first aid trained.
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  • From £9 /hr
  • Central Bedfordshire
cheerful positive hardworking and fun! Years of experience!
| I am a positive and hardworking person with years of experience in childcare! I have experience working with children aged from 0-7 years. I’m currently working full time in a childcare setting, I love my job and I am passionate about early years education! Whilst working I am in the final months of my BSC hons undergraduate degree which I have been working towards through the open university. I have received training on various areas of childcare including behaviour management and safeguarding. I am also paediatric first aid trained.
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From £9 per hour \
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Childcare in Central Bedfordshire

When do you need childcare?