Childcare in Uttlesford

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When do you need childcare?
Daisy F.
  • From £15 /hr
  • Uttlesford
Childcare lover!
| I am a young adult, qualified in Level 3 Early Years and Childcare. I have experience of working with babies, toddlers and nursery children within different nursery settings. As well as this, I was previously a paediatric healthcare assistant in a large hospital, caring for lots of different children and adhering to their individual needs, as well as forming relationships with them & their families.
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  • From £15 /hr
  • Uttlesford
Childcare lover!
| I am a young adult, qualified in Level 3 Early Years and Childcare. I have experience of working with babies, toddlers and nursery children within different nursery settings. As well as this, I was previously a paediatric healthcare assistant in a large hospital, caring for lots of different children and adhering to their individual needs, as well as forming relationships with them & their families.
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From £15 per hour \
Jackie T.
Hired once
  • From £8 /hr
  • Uttlesford
Hired once
I have worked with all age groups of children. I have a childcare qualification. I brought up my 2 children on my own. I am looking for a family I can fit in with.
... more
  • From £8 /hr
  • Uttlesford
I have worked with all age groups of children. I have a childcare qualification. I brought up my 2 children on my own. I am looking for a family I can fit in with.
... more
From £8 per hour \
Elizabeth F.
  • From £8 /hr
  • Uttlesford
A friendly experienced babysitter
| hi :) I have a lot of experience with working with children when I was younger I did babysitting every so often I then went to working in a children’s show shop for 2 Years, did a years work experience in a nursery while studying childcare at college and I am now back working in a different children’s shoe shop
... more
  • From £8 /hr
  • Uttlesford
A friendly experienced babysitter
| hi :) I have a lot of experience with working with children when I was younger I did babysitting every so often I then went to working in a children’s show shop for 2 Years, did a years work experience in a nursery while studying childcare at college and I am now back working in a different children’s shoe shop
... more
From £8 per hour \
Caitlin E.
  • From £12 /hr
  • Uttlesford
Babysitting / Childcare Jobs
| I am 22 years old with 4 years babysitting and childcare experience. This included picking up from school and making dinner to putting them to bed and helping with homework. Previously worked in a nursery for a year but will need to get an up to date DBS check if you require it.
... more
  • From £12 /hr
  • Uttlesford
Babysitting / Childcare Jobs
| I am 22 years old with 4 years babysitting and childcare experience. This included picking up from school and making dinner to putting them to bed and helping with homework. Previously worked in a nursery for a year but will need to get an up to date DBS check if you require it.
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From £12 per hour \
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Childcare in Uttlesford

When do you need childcare?