Childcare in Mendip

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Harriett P.
  • From £12 /hr
  • Mendip
I’m fun, love the outdoors and getting muddy, reliable, time conscious, resilient and caring.
| I’m Harriett I’m 20 years old. I currently work with an 18month old, I started when he was 10months old and I have a childcare qualification. I also have worked in two different nursery’s for work experience. I’m comfortable with sorting milk for a baby, feeding and cooking simple meals, organising play dates, putting them down to sleep, bathing and fulfilling any other needs. I also have a clean driving licences of three years and my own car.
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  • From £12 /hr
  • Mendip
I’m fun, love the outdoors and getting muddy, reliable, time conscious, resilient and caring.
| I’m Harriett I’m 20 years old. I currently work with an 18month old, I started when he was 10months old and I have a childcare qualification. I also have worked in two different nursery’s for work experience. I’m comfortable with sorting milk for a baby, feeding and cooking simple meals, organising play dates, putting them down to sleep, bathing and fulfilling any other needs. I also have a clean driving licences of three years and my own car.
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From £12 per hour \
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Childcare in Mendip

When do you need childcare?