Childcare in Bath and North East Somerset

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Lillie J.
1 Verification
  • From £14 /hr
  • Bath and North East Somerset
1 Verification
The babysitter that helps to make your life easier, and your children’s day brighter.
| I have been working in childcare for the last 5 years. I started as an apprentice and made my way up to a level 3 qualified nursery practitioner. I now do private babysitting alongside getting a degree as a paediatric nurse. My prices vary due to the amount of children needing to be cared for but please ask questions if you are interested in booking me on the price.
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  • From £14 /hr
  • Bath and North East Somerset
The babysitter that helps to make your life easier, and your children’s day brighter.
| I have been working in childcare for the last 5 years. I started as an apprentice and made my way up to a level 3 qualified nursery practitioner. I now do private babysitting alongside getting a degree as a paediatric nurse. My prices vary due to the amount of children needing to be cared for but please ask questions if you are interested in booking me on the price.
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From £14 per hour \
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Childcare in Bath and North East Somerset

When do you need childcare?