Nannies in Rumney

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Cindy N.
  • From £12 /hr
  • Rumney
Experienced Nanny/babysitter
| A highly disciplined individual with 8 years of experience working with children and young adults in different environments. My work has ranged from child-minding, learning support work, mentorship, teaching and choreographing children and youth dances for different functions. I have worked as a voluntary mentor for young adults facing different challenges. I am to learn new skills quickly and with great enthusiasm, also able to perform well under pressure. I also possess transferable skills to adapt to any work sector.
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  • From £12 /hr
  • Rumney
Experienced Nanny/babysitter
| A highly disciplined individual with 8 years of experience working with children and young adults in different environments. My work has ranged from child-minding, learning support work, mentorship, teaching and choreographing children and youth dances for different functions. I have worked as a voluntary mentor for young adults facing different challenges. I am to learn new skills quickly and with great enthusiasm, also able to perform well under pressure. I also possess transferable skills to adapt to any work sector.
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From £12 per hour \
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Nannies in Rumney

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