Childcare in Cotswold

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When do you need childcare?
Kate D.
  • From £5 /hr
  • Cotswold
I have 14 year old twin girls, so have plenty of hands on childcare experience. I have worked in a private day nursery for 2 years, until I was recently made redundant. I have an enhanced CRB check, Paediatric First Aid certificate, and am currently 80% through a Diploma in Children and Young People.
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  • From £5 /hr
  • Cotswold
I have 14 year old twin girls, so have plenty of hands on childcare experience. I have worked in a private day nursery for 2 years, until I was recently made redundant. I have an enhanced CRB check, Paediatric First Aid certificate, and am currently 80% through a Diploma in Children and Young People.
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From £5 per hour \
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Childcare in Cotswold

When do you need childcare?