Childcare in Fylde

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When do you need childcare?
Bethany R.
  • From £11 /hr
  • Fylde
I’m currently a full time Neuroscience student looking for some part time childcare positions.
| For the past 4 years I have spent my summers teaching English as a foreign language across the UK, Hong Kong and Italy. During these positions I have acquired a lot of experience working with children aged 5-17. A lot of the camps I have done were residential camps so this also included childcare duties in the evening such as monitoring the children and putting them to bed. I have also worked as a child support worker for the past 2 years for children diagnosed with autism. This role included all the typical roles you may carry out as a nanny such as making children food, basic domestic chores and entertaining the children.
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  • From £11 /hr
  • Fylde
I’m currently a full time Neuroscience student looking for some part time childcare positions.
| For the past 4 years I have spent my summers teaching English as a foreign language across the UK, Hong Kong and Italy. During these positions I have acquired a lot of experience working with children aged 5-17. A lot of the camps I have done were residential camps so this also included childcare duties in the evening such as monitoring the children and putting them to bed. I have also worked as a child support worker for the past 2 years for children diagnosed with autism. This role included all the typical roles you may carry out as a nanny such as making children food, basic domestic chores and entertaining the children.
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From £11 per hour \
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Childcare in Fylde

When do you need childcare?