Childcare in Livingston North

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Anna K.
1 Verification
  • From £8 /hr
  • Livingston North
1 Verification
Anna , 37 years old, 14 years of experience in childcare.
| I did my diploma in childcare back in Poland nearly 20 years ago. But my best experience got when I start working at nursery as a baby room senior and than as a nanny for one family with 4 kids. One of the most important things for me in childcare is to stand up to their needs and get their trust by giving them love and attention. The other is a good relationship with parents, be on the same page and always communicate about any issue or concern.
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  • From £8 /hr
  • Livingston North
Anna , 37 years old, 14 years of experience in childcare.
| I did my diploma in childcare back in Poland nearly 20 years ago. But my best experience got when I start working at nursery as a baby room senior and than as a nanny for one family with 4 kids. One of the most important things for me in childcare is to stand up to their needs and get their trust by giving them love and attention. The other is a good relationship with parents, be on the same page and always communicate about any issue or concern.
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From £8 per hour \
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Childcare in Livingston North

When do you need childcare?