Childcare in North Cornwall

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Georgie H.
  • From £15 /hr
  • North Cornwall
Fun, firm, safe, educational, happy.
| I have spent the last 13 years working in a wide range of childcare based jobs such as a Nanny in private homes in London, sports staff on cruise ships, primary (public & state school) PE teacher, nursery teacher and an outdoor educational activity instructor in centres in the UK, America and Europe. I have developed a wide variety of experience teaching and coaching from working one-to-one with a child to leading small and large groups of children and teenagers in a professional educational home and sporting settings. I am a proactive, hardworking individual, who thoroughly enjoys working with others, and providing positive experiences and environments. I am very agile, conscientious, enthusiastic, adapt quickly to changing environments and thrive on new challenges. I pride myself on being a positive, approachable person to be around and delivering high quality experiences.
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  • From £15 /hr
  • North Cornwall
Fun, firm, safe, educational, happy.
| I have spent the last 13 years working in a wide range of childcare based jobs such as a Nanny in private homes in London, sports staff on cruise ships, primary (public & state school) PE teacher, nursery teacher and an outdoor educational activity instructor in centres in the UK, America and Europe. I have developed a wide variety of experience teaching and coaching from working one-to-one with a child to leading small and large groups of children and teenagers in a professional educational home and sporting settings. I am a proactive, hardworking individual, who thoroughly enjoys working with others, and providing positive experiences and environments. I am very agile, conscientious, enthusiastic, adapt quickly to changing environments and thrive on new challenges. I pride myself on being a positive, approachable person to be around and delivering high quality experiences.
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From £15 per hour \
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Childcare in North Cornwall

When do you need childcare?