Childcare in Wealden

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Christian T.
1 Verification
  • From £9 /hr
  • Wealden
1 Verification
Teaching Assistant and caring for families for 10 years +
| Due to the current situation regarding school closures, due to Covid-19, I'm willing to reduce rates to help families cope through this difficult time. I'm very aware of the situation with the Covid-19 and with that in mind would like to address with any potential employers any and all concerns you may have. I will only be able to take on one family at a time, but please contact me to ###.## availability. I'm 28 years old and I have worked with children inside and outside of childcare for 9 years. I stated off with childcare when I was 18 looking after 3 children and have since had multiple childcare jobs in-between teaching in Primary schools. I have worked with children from early years (4) to 14. I have my own teenage step daughter, and I really enjoy helping her with her Maths and English homework, as I have a background of teaching. I'm a patient and calm person who is happy to have fun but provides safe and healthy boundaries for the children to maintain their well being. I also love all animals especially dogs and cats, so am happy with looking after pets. I'm very happy to arrange a meeting to talk to any perspective clients to discuss my experience further, as well as to get to know the family.
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  • From £9 /hr
  • Wealden
Teaching Assistant and caring for families for 10 years +
| Due to the current situation regarding school closures, due to Covid-19, I'm willing to reduce rates to help families cope through this difficult time. I'm very aware of the situation with the Covid-19 and with that in mind would like to address with any potential employers any and all concerns you may have. I will only be able to take on one family at a time, but please contact me to ###.## availability. I'm 28 years old and I have worked with children inside and outside of childcare for 9 years. I stated off with childcare when I was 18 looking after 3 children and have since had multiple childcare jobs in-between teaching in Primary schools. I have worked with children from early years (4) to 14. I have my own teenage step daughter, and I really enjoy helping her with her Maths and English homework, as I have a background of teaching. I'm a patient and calm person who is happy to have fun but provides safe and healthy boundaries for the children to maintain their well being. I also love all animals especially dogs and cats, so am happy with looking after pets. I'm very happy to arrange a meeting to talk to any perspective clients to discuss my experience further, as well as to get to know the family.
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From £9 per hour \
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Childcare in Wealden

When do you need childcare?