Childcare in Richmond upon Thames

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Eden I.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Richmond upon Thames
Babysitting + homework help, can provide reference, and have DBS certification.
| From looking after infant family members to volunteering at an ages 5-11 day summer camp in Richmond, I love childcare and have both professional and informal experience with being responsible for children. I received first aid and CPR training at my secondary school, Lady Eleanor Holles. I am currently studying English Literature at the University of St. Andrews, but home in Hampton as my classes are all online. Can provide a reference. My DBS certification is renewed until September 2021.
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Richmond upon Thames
Babysitting + homework help, can provide reference, and have DBS certification.
| From looking after infant family members to volunteering at an ages 5-11 day summer camp in Richmond, I love childcare and have both professional and informal experience with being responsible for children. I received first aid and CPR training at my secondary school, Lady Eleanor Holles. I am currently studying English Literature at the University of St. Andrews, but home in Hampton as my classes are all online. Can provide a reference. My DBS certification is renewed until September 2021.
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From £10 per hour \
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Childcare in Richmond upon Thames

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