Childcare in Braintree

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Jade C.
1 Verification
  • From £9 /hr
  • Braintree
1 Verification
There's nothing better then having that special bond with the child and their parents!
| I have worked in childcare for 5 years now! I am currently working in a nursery at the moment as a room leader but hours are changing as from September so looking for a new job as i need more hours unless i can make my hours up! Im also a nanny which i love and i do this on a weds so im currently unavailable on a Wednesday but as from next September 2019 i will be able to work weds :) I am first aid trained and have been on multiple training! I can drive and my current nanny family are willing to give any references if need be :) I am currently looking as either becoming a full time nanny, babysitter, working evenings or after school pick up, what ever suits us both :) so please get in touch and im sure i can make it a bit more clearer then what i have done haha! xx
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  • From £9 /hr
  • Braintree
There's nothing better then having that special bond with the child and their parents!
| I have worked in childcare for 5 years now! I am currently working in a nursery at the moment as a room leader but hours are changing as from September so looking for a new job as i need more hours unless i can make my hours up! Im also a nanny which i love and i do this on a weds so im currently unavailable on a Wednesday but as from next September 2019 i will be able to work weds :) I am first aid trained and have been on multiple training! I can drive and my current nanny family are willing to give any references if need be :) I am currently looking as either becoming a full time nanny, babysitter, working evenings or after school pick up, what ever suits us both :) so please get in touch and im sure i can make it a bit more clearer then what i have done haha! xx
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From £9 per hour \
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Childcare in Braintree

When do you need childcare?