Childcare in Fochabers Lhanbryde

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Laura W.
  • From £5 /hr
  • Fochabers Lhanbryde
I am a hard working , reliable , trustworthy mother if three grown up girls. I worked in a private nursery for 14 years, lived the job but the owner moved to Spain so I decided to do other things. I am changing my job on the 5 th Jan to a catering assistant in a primary school which bus only over lunch times and school term, so thought if I could babysit in the afternoon or evening or school term. I would earn a little extra and help others out, as I remember the days if having to find child care.
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  • From £5 /hr
  • Fochabers Lhanbryde
I am a hard working , reliable , trustworthy mother if three grown up girls. I worked in a private nursery for 14 years, lived the job but the owner moved to Spain so I decided to do other things. I am changing my job on the 5 th Jan to a catering assistant in a primary school which bus only over lunch times and school term, so thought if I could babysit in the afternoon or evening or school term. I would earn a little extra and help others out, as I remember the days if having to find child care.
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From £5 per hour \
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Childcare in Fochabers Lhanbryde

When do you need childcare?