Childcare in Wyre

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Rebecca A.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Wyre
New mum parent to 1 little prince
| I am all about children put it this way if I am feeling down or upset having children around me changes that I just become one of them, I have my own way to communicate with children I am a great listener, I am a lot of fun and can be creative when it comes to arts and craft I love children to pieces I currently live with my boyfriend and his son his son is 5 years old and was shy at first but took to me very well. I wish I took child care at college and not p&d as this is the career path I want to go down I will try anyone out as much as I can and I know kids can be a handful so I am always here if anyone needs an extra hand I am flexible, I am also trained in first aid so I know what to do in unexpected situations.
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Wyre
New mum parent to 1 little prince
| I am all about children put it this way if I am feeling down or upset having children around me changes that I just become one of them, I have my own way to communicate with children I am a great listener, I am a lot of fun and can be creative when it comes to arts and craft I love children to pieces I currently live with my boyfriend and his son his son is 5 years old and was shy at first but took to me very well. I wish I took child care at college and not p&d as this is the career path I want to go down I will try anyone out as much as I can and I know kids can be a handful so I am always here if anyone needs an extra hand I am flexible, I am also trained in first aid so I know what to do in unexpected situations.
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From £10 per hour \
Marykate M.
  • From £12 /hr
  • Wyre
My names marykate I’m 19 and I’m English
| I us stop be in the system myself I love kids and I would love a job working with u guys
... more
  • From £12 /hr
  • Wyre
My names marykate I’m 19 and I’m English
| I us stop be in the system myself I love kids and I would love a job working with u guys
... more
From £12 per hour \
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Childcare in Wyre

When do you need childcare?