Childcare in Stroud

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Abbi B.
  • From £9 /hr
  • Stroud
I’m a Fun, kind and caring individual who loves to help make learning exciting!
| Hello, I’m 28 years old, I have a 6 month old son of my own and I am available to provide part time childcare to children of any age. I’m happy, friendly and caring. I enjoy being creative, exploring the outdoor environment and ultimately helping children learn, explore and grow. I love to think of new activities and topics to make learning fun. Experience- I have 10 years nursery experience with children of ages from 3 months to 5 years. In my last nursery with the cooperative childcare, I was preschool room manager and was also promoted to nursery deputy manager. I was there for almost 9 years. I have Experience with special needs children. I am also a Very hands on Auntie of 10, Including my sisters two sets of twins. Qualifications- I have a level 3 qualification in children’s care learning and development, first aid level 3, understanding autism level 2, completed a food hygiene course and Have attended many more childcare related training courses. I also won an award in my previous nursery for teaching the children about equality, recycling and caring for the world.
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  • From £9 /hr
  • Stroud
I’m a Fun, kind and caring individual who loves to help make learning exciting!
| Hello, I’m 28 years old, I have a 6 month old son of my own and I am available to provide part time childcare to children of any age. I’m happy, friendly and caring. I enjoy being creative, exploring the outdoor environment and ultimately helping children learn, explore and grow. I love to think of new activities and topics to make learning fun. Experience- I have 10 years nursery experience with children of ages from 3 months to 5 years. In my last nursery with the cooperative childcare, I was preschool room manager and was also promoted to nursery deputy manager. I was there for almost 9 years. I have Experience with special needs children. I am also a Very hands on Auntie of 10, Including my sisters two sets of twins. Qualifications- I have a level 3 qualification in children’s care learning and development, first aid level 3, understanding autism level 2, completed a food hygiene course and Have attended many more childcare related training courses. I also won an award in my previous nursery for teaching the children about equality, recycling and caring for the world.
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From £9 per hour \
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Childcare in Stroud

When do you need childcare?