Childcare in Down

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When do you need childcare?
Charlotte S.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Down
I'm Charlotte, I'm very compassionate and have always had an interest in childcare as a career.
| I am a very sensitive and empathetic person, in the past, children have always gravitated towards me. I am interested in jobs in caring for people or animals. Although I recently completed a degree in Zoology at Queens, I have always considered working in childcare hence my different courses and experience. When I was younger myself, I had a lot of experience looking after younger children. Throughout my childhood, my best friends had younger siblings or nieces. They were baby girls at the time and as myself and my friends were adolescents, we often had a lot of responsibilities looking after them in a babysitting capacity. I have also watched younger cousins in the past (ages 1-7). I have babysat 2 boys a couple of times for a family friend that were around the ages of 6 and 8 at the time. Additionally, I completed a childcare course while in high school through the local Serc and an A level in Health and Social Care. I am also heavily involved in all of the youth events at two local churches; including summer clubs, Sunday school, older youth programmes and more, the ages of these children range from 4-16. I have had Access NI checks completed in order to fulfil these roles.
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Down
I'm Charlotte, I'm very compassionate and have always had an interest in childcare as a career.
| I am a very sensitive and empathetic person, in the past, children have always gravitated towards me. I am interested in jobs in caring for people or animals. Although I recently completed a degree in Zoology at Queens, I have always considered working in childcare hence my different courses and experience. When I was younger myself, I had a lot of experience looking after younger children. Throughout my childhood, my best friends had younger siblings or nieces. They were baby girls at the time and as myself and my friends were adolescents, we often had a lot of responsibilities looking after them in a babysitting capacity. I have also watched younger cousins in the past (ages 1-7). I have babysat 2 boys a couple of times for a family friend that were around the ages of 6 and 8 at the time. Additionally, I completed a childcare course while in high school through the local Serc and an A level in Health and Social Care. I am also heavily involved in all of the youth events at two local churches; including summer clubs, Sunday school, older youth programmes and more, the ages of these children range from 4-16. I have had Access NI checks completed in order to fulfil these roles.
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From £10 per hour \
Robyn E.
  • From £11 /hr
  • Down
| I have personal experience with children and teenagers. I have worked with kids in special needs and I am starting a childcare level 3 course in Downpatrick. I have a degree in sport and I am aiming to work in sports with children in special needs and these types of jobs will give me more experience with children. I live with a 1 old baby 4 year old toddler and 2 teenagers. Therefore I have plenty of understanding, patience and experience.
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  • From £11 /hr
  • Down
| I have personal experience with children and teenagers. I have worked with kids in special needs and I am starting a childcare level 3 course in Downpatrick. I have a degree in sport and I am aiming to work in sports with children in special needs and these types of jobs will give me more experience with children. I live with a 1 old baby 4 year old toddler and 2 teenagers. Therefore I have plenty of understanding, patience and experience.
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From £11 per hour \
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Childcare in Down

When do you need childcare?