Childcare in Wiltshire

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Marie D.
1 Verification
  • From £8 /hr
  • Wiltshire
1 Verification
Marie's childminding, caring for children in a loving home.
| Hello, thank you for looking at me, my hourly rate is £5 per hour, I take all funding 15 and 30 hrs. All my little ones bring their own lunch, we sit together enjoying each other's company while we enjoy mealtimes, we are lucky that we have play parks and woodland areas very close to us, we use these areas weekly, I have a purpose build playroom in my garden, the garden is just for the little ones, we have a good range of outside toys, my outside area is an all weather play area, we do lots of outings and activities, I love meeting new family's. I have been childminding 18 years, I have 3 grown up children 25, 23 and 21 and 1 chill dog called Harry, I've cared for some families 12 yrs going from babies to confident secondary school children, I've also cared for children and their families from all over the world, I so am blessed to share in their knowledge of the world, I love being part of my children's lives helping their family's with all their childcare needs. Please contact me with any inquires, Marie .
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  • From £8 /hr
  • Wiltshire
Marie's childminding, caring for children in a loving home.
| Hello, thank you for looking at me, my hourly rate is £5 per hour, I take all funding 15 and 30 hrs. All my little ones bring their own lunch, we sit together enjoying each other's company while we enjoy mealtimes, we are lucky that we have play parks and woodland areas very close to us, we use these areas weekly, I have a purpose build playroom in my garden, the garden is just for the little ones, we have a good range of outside toys, my outside area is an all weather play area, we do lots of outings and activities, I love meeting new family's. I have been childminding 18 years, I have 3 grown up children 25, 23 and 21 and 1 chill dog called Harry, I've cared for some families 12 yrs going from babies to confident secondary school children, I've also cared for children and their families from all over the world, I so am blessed to share in their knowledge of the world, I love being part of my children's lives helping their family's with all their childcare needs. Please contact me with any inquires, Marie .
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From £8 per hour \
Sophie Brain Primary Tutoring & Babysitting
1 Verification
  • From £8 /hr
  • Wiltshire
1 Verification
Childcare from an experienced qualified teacher.
| Sophie Brain Primary Tutoring and Babysitting offers extra tuition and evening childcare in your homes. Whichever your need - extra lessons or babysitting, you will be happy in the knowledge that Sophie is a qualified primary school teacher with a full DBS certificate on the update service. Sophie has 7 years experience of working in childcare and education, working with children as young as 3 months old.
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  • From £8 /hr
  • Wiltshire
Childcare from an experienced qualified teacher.
| Sophie Brain Primary Tutoring and Babysitting offers extra tuition and evening childcare in your homes. Whichever your need - extra lessons or babysitting, you will be happy in the knowledge that Sophie is a qualified primary school teacher with a full DBS certificate on the update service. Sophie has 7 years experience of working in childcare and education, working with children as young as 3 months old.
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From £8 per hour \
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Childcare in Wiltshire

When do you need childcare?