Childcare in County Durham

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Elise S.
1 Verification
  • From £6 /hr
  • County Durham
1 Verification
Hey, I'm Elise 21 from Consett, Co. Durham. I have a CACHE level 3 in childcare and education and have alot of experience working with ages 0-6. I am currently working as an au pair in America caring for 2.5 year old triplets and will be returning home early September after caring for them for 2 years. I have completed placements and casual work in nursery around my area I am looking for regular or occasional jobs and I am very flexible.
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  • From £6 /hr
  • County Durham
Hey, I'm Elise 21 from Consett, Co. Durham. I have a CACHE level 3 in childcare and education and have alot of experience working with ages 0-6. I am currently working as an au pair in America caring for 2.5 year old triplets and will be returning home early September after caring for them for 2 years. I have completed placements and casual work in nursery around my area I am looking for regular or occasional jobs and I am very flexible.
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From £6 per hour \
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Childcare in County Durham

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