Childcare in Tendring

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Deanne H.
1 Verification
  • From £9 /hr
  • Tendring
1 Verification
Fun, enthusiastic, open minded, willing to help in any way possible
| Hello my name is Deanne, I'm 21, I currently live at home. I’ve previously worked in a nursery with children from 3 months old to 10 years old. I have had 9 years experience with young children. I have a recent first aid certificate and a level 3 diploma in childcare certificate. When I'm not at the nursery I do the odd babysitting job for parents and family. I have also just finished my second season with holidays, where I was a nanny in Greece for 6 months and then for 3 months during this time I worked with children aged 4 months - 17 years. I am now awaiting to start my primary education degree in September.
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  • From £9 /hr
  • Tendring
Fun, enthusiastic, open minded, willing to help in any way possible
| Hello my name is Deanne, I'm 21, I currently live at home. I’ve previously worked in a nursery with children from 3 months old to 10 years old. I have had 9 years experience with young children. I have a recent first aid certificate and a level 3 diploma in childcare certificate. When I'm not at the nursery I do the odd babysitting job for parents and family. I have also just finished my second season with holidays, where I was a nanny in Greece for 6 months and then for 3 months during this time I worked with children aged 4 months - 17 years. I am now awaiting to start my primary education degree in September.
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From £9 per hour \
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Childcare in Tendring

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