Childcare in Braintree

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Charlotte H.
  • From £9 /hr
  • Braintree
Hi there, im Lottie and I’m currently seeking child care working in Coggeshall.
| I’ve just moved to Coggeshall from Saffron Walden and would like to offer my child care services to anyone that needs that extra pair of hands! Unfortunately I am not fully qualified as the only work I have done is for siblings and family members, but I would like to be someone you can rely on and trust. I’m a very bubbly, enthusiastic person. I love being around children and wish to start a family of my own in the following years. Please don hesitate to give me a call or email for further information or questions :)
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  • From £9 /hr
  • Braintree
Hi there, im Lottie and I’m currently seeking child care working in Coggeshall.
| I’ve just moved to Coggeshall from Saffron Walden and would like to offer my child care services to anyone that needs that extra pair of hands! Unfortunately I am not fully qualified as the only work I have done is for siblings and family members, but I would like to be someone you can rely on and trust. I’m a very bubbly, enthusiastic person. I love being around children and wish to start a family of my own in the following years. Please don hesitate to give me a call or email for further information or questions :)
... more
From £9 per hour \
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Childcare in Braintree

When do you need childcare?