Experienced & passionate childcare provider
I am 26 years old and have worked in childcare since leaving school. I trained within a nursery setting, as an apprentice. I learnt all my skills and knowledge whilst working hands on. I since have progressed to a managerial level and have been embedding my knowledge into a team of other passionate childcare providers.
I have seen many families grow and many children thrive! I am passionate about giving children the best start to life, ensuring they are happy, loved and cared for. Over the years I have continued to refresh and learn new knowledge as they change. I have great knowledge on child development, SEN experience, positive behaviour, EYFS, safeguarding, emotional wellbeing of babies and children and also Makaton.
Over the years I have been apart of lots of children and families lives and seeing the children grow and develop has always been the highlight of my job. Being a support to families/parents Is what I hope to continue to be.
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