Childminders in Wallsend

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Emma R.
  • From £9 /hr
  • North Tyneside
ofsted registered childminder in hadrian park
| hi my name is Emma i live with my husband Philip and daughters Sophie 14 and Poppy 6. i have worked in childcare for 21 years and currently assistant deputy manager/head of baby room in a private nursery. i have recently registered with ofsted as a child minder and hoping to do this full time from september
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  • From £9 /hr
  • North Tyneside
ofsted registered childminder in hadrian park
| hi my name is Emma i live with my husband Philip and daughters Sophie 14 and Poppy 6. i have worked in childcare for 21 years and currently assistant deputy manager/head of baby room in a private nursery. i have recently registered with ofsted as a child minder and hoping to do this full time from september
... more
From £9 per hour \
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Childminders in Wallsend

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