Childminders in Paisley

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Jennifer A.
  • From £9 /hr
  • Paisley South
Hi i live with my husband and 2 year old boy. I am a loving, kind and caring person.
| I am offering a Childminding service children from the age of 0 months up until the age of 11 years of age. The service is available from 7:30am to 6pm. I can offer up to five children. The service that I’m running is from my own home and it is my priority to create a warm and caring environment. So, the children will then feel safe and secure in a fun and relaxing home. I can provide transport for the children to nursery, school or any trips that will educate and provide fun experiences for them.
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  • From £9 /hr
  • Paisley South
Hi i live with my husband and 2 year old boy. I am a loving, kind and caring person.
| I am offering a Childminding service children from the age of 0 months up until the age of 11 years of age. The service is available from 7:30am to 6pm. I can offer up to five children. The service that I’m running is from my own home and it is my priority to create a warm and caring environment. So, the children will then feel safe and secure in a fun and relaxing home. I can provide transport for the children to nursery, school or any trips that will educate and provide fun experiences for them.
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From £9 per hour \
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Childminders in Paisley

When do you need childcare?