Childminders in Eccleshill

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Wendy B.
1 Verification
  • From £10 /hr
  • Eccleshill
1 Verification
Ofsted registered childminder with assistant in Bradford BD2
| I have level 3 childcare qualifications based from home I have 23 years experience I also have an assistant my husband who works alongside me too…we provide excellent #########.## work alongside parents creating excellent partnerships between ourselves & parents
... more
  • From £10 /hr
  • Eccleshill
Ofsted registered childminder with assistant in Bradford BD2
| I have level 3 childcare qualifications based from home I have 23 years experience I also have an assistant my husband who works alongside me too…we provide excellent #########.## work alongside parents creating excellent partnerships between ourselves & parents
... more
From £10 per hour \
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Childminders in Eccleshill

When do you need childcare?