Childminders in Carrickfergus

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Kerry K.
  • From £11 /hr
  • Carrickfergus
Caring practitioner
| Preschool leader for the last 5 years and have worked with children for 8 years. Level 5 in leadership & management Level 3 in childcare First aid trained Safeguarding trained Food and hygiene trained
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  • From £11 /hr
  • Carrickfergus
Caring practitioner
| Preschool leader for the last 5 years and have worked with children for 8 years. Level 5 in leadership & management Level 3 in childcare First aid trained Safeguarding trained Food and hygiene trained
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From £11 per hour \
Gillian K.
1 Verification
  • From £5 /hr
  • Carrickfergus
1 Verification
I'm Gillian, and am a registered Childminder.
| I worked in a day care nursery for 16yrs before becoming a Childminder, I've got my nvq level 2&3 in childcare and education, I'm epi pen trained, I've my first aid, I've also got a certificate in managing children's behaviour, I've got my safeguarding children and health and safety in the childminding setting. I am also registered with Nicma.
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  • From £5 /hr
  • Carrickfergus
I'm Gillian, and am a registered Childminder.
| I worked in a day care nursery for 16yrs before becoming a Childminder, I've got my nvq level 2&3 in childcare and education, I'm epi pen trained, I've my first aid, I've also got a certificate in managing children's behaviour, I've got my safeguarding children and health and safety in the childminding setting. I am also registered with Nicma.
... more
From £5 per hour \
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Childminders in Carrickfergus

When do you need childcare?