Childminders in Burton-on-Trent

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Faiza A.
  • From £12 /hr
  • East Staffordshire
Childminder,baby sitter
| An adaptable babysitter with knowledge of nutrition, hygiene, behavior, and physical health for stable early development. An observant childcare services provider focused on good child supervision, giving continuous attention, and fulfilling parents' satisfaction
... more
  • From £12 /hr
  • East Staffordshire
Childminder,baby sitter
| An adaptable babysitter with knowledge of nutrition, hygiene, behavior, and physical health for stable early development. An observant childcare services provider focused on good child supervision, giving continuous attention, and fulfilling parents' satisfaction
... more
From £12 per hour \
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Childminders in Burton-on-Trent

When do you need childcare?