Childcare in Arun

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Hannah T.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Arun
Friendly, bubbly lady with a passion for working with children!
| I’m a friendly loving and caring 22 year old female, who loves to work around kids. Even though I’ve never worked in a childcare job, I’ve grown up around foster children and have cared for them over the years, engaging with them in activities, trips out, bedtimes, homework ect. I’ve always had a passion for working around children. Looking to help out families in the evening, and I can work during the days I’m off. In the process of getting an up to date DBS check. Any other questions you’d like to know about me, don’t hesitate to message :)
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Arun
Friendly, bubbly lady with a passion for working with children!
| I’m a friendly loving and caring 22 year old female, who loves to work around kids. Even though I’ve never worked in a childcare job, I’ve grown up around foster children and have cared for them over the years, engaging with them in activities, trips out, bedtimes, homework ect. I’ve always had a passion for working around children. Looking to help out families in the evening, and I can work during the days I’m off. In the process of getting an up to date DBS check. Any other questions you’d like to know about me, don’t hesitate to message :)
... more
From £10 per hour \
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Childcare in Arun

When do you need childcare?