Childcare in West Oxfordshire

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Emma C.
1 Verification
  • From £8 /hr
  • West Oxfordshire
1 Verification
Emma, I love looking after children arts & crafts, and baking. I am hard working and easy going!
| I previously have worked in primary schools and nurseys, my jobs included 1:1 TA helping them learn and reach goals, I would work with groups to do reading, writing, maths, and I do a lot of creative subjects as I have a diploma in art. In the nursery I would care for, feed, burp, change the babies and using EYF to engage them. I have always loved working with children and found it my passion especially when I can involve my art skills with the children, baking too! I was also a youth worker at the local youth club so I can work well with older children too.
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  • From £8 /hr
  • West Oxfordshire
Emma, I love looking after children arts & crafts, and baking. I am hard working and easy going!
| I previously have worked in primary schools and nurseys, my jobs included 1:1 TA helping them learn and reach goals, I would work with groups to do reading, writing, maths, and I do a lot of creative subjects as I have a diploma in art. In the nursery I would care for, feed, burp, change the babies and using EYF to engage them. I have always loved working with children and found it my passion especially when I can involve my art skills with the children, baking too! I was also a youth worker at the local youth club so I can work well with older children too.
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From £8 per hour \
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Childcare in West Oxfordshire

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