Childcare in Penwith

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Amy L.
1 Verification
  • From £8 /hr
  • Penwith
1 Verification
20 years old, L 2 & 3 qualified, own transport, available every day (weekends & bank holidays too)
| I have a lot of experience with children from all ages; from as young as new born, to 15 years of age. I have a passion for children and have gained a Level 2 in Child Care with a double grade Distinction Merit, along with a Level 3 at a grade A*. I also have experience with special needs children as I worked at Curnow School in Redruth. I have reliable references from previous babysitting jobs if you're interested too.
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  • From £8 /hr
  • Penwith
20 years old, L 2 & 3 qualified, own transport, available every day (weekends & bank holidays too)
| I have a lot of experience with children from all ages; from as young as new born, to 15 years of age. I have a passion for children and have gained a Level 2 in Child Care with a double grade Distinction Merit, along with a Level 3 at a grade A*. I also have experience with special needs children as I worked at Curnow School in Redruth. I have reliable references from previous babysitting jobs if you're interested too.
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From £8 per hour \
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Childcare in Penwith

When do you need childcare?