Childcare in Lichfield

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Sophie B.
  • From £11 /hr
  • Lichfield
Female, 26 years old, 8+ childcare experience years
| Hi my name is Sophie I am a enthusiastic individual. I have a lot of experience working/caring with children and within a childcare setting. I have a foundation degree in early childhood studies (other qualifications available on request) and have some experience with children of special needs -Cerebral palsy -Autism/ADHD -Speech and language -Hearing impairment I do also have my own child who is now 2 years old who has complex health needs and requires medication daily- So i am comfortable caring for children who also require daily medication.
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  • From £11 /hr
  • Lichfield
Female, 26 years old, 8+ childcare experience years
| Hi my name is Sophie I am a enthusiastic individual. I have a lot of experience working/caring with children and within a childcare setting. I have a foundation degree in early childhood studies (other qualifications available on request) and have some experience with children of special needs -Cerebral palsy -Autism/ADHD -Speech and language -Hearing impairment I do also have my own child who is now 2 years old who has complex health needs and requires medication daily- So i am comfortable caring for children who also require daily medication.
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From £11 per hour \
Caszandra T.
  • From £9 /hr
  • Lichfield
Hello My name is Caszandra
| I have been working in childcare for over 20 years. 8 years within a nursery and 12 years as a nanny and now over 3years back in a nursery. I have worked with several families on a full-time basis and two jobs on a temporary basis. I have worked with twins, teenagers, all different ages.
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  • From £9 /hr
  • Lichfield
Hello My name is Caszandra
| I have been working in childcare for over 20 years. 8 years within a nursery and 12 years as a nanny and now over 3years back in a nursery. I have worked with several families on a full-time basis and two jobs on a temporary basis. I have worked with twins, teenagers, all different ages.
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From £9 per hour \
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Childcare in Lichfield

When do you need childcare?