Childcare in Hounslow

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Noah D.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Hounslow
Compassionate, responsible babysitter seeking to deliver excellent child care.
| Compassionate, responsible babysitter seeking to deliver excellent child care. I have worked as a babysitter for 4 families and received frequent commendations from each set of parents. I managed to turn a 3 year old's dislike for peas into a love for them and taught a toddler how to swim. I have tutored French, German and maths and would be happy to teach piano and/or guitar. And yes of course i can change nappies!
... more
  • From £10 /hr
  • Hounslow
Compassionate, responsible babysitter seeking to deliver excellent child care.
| Compassionate, responsible babysitter seeking to deliver excellent child care. I have worked as a babysitter for 4 families and received frequent commendations from each set of parents. I managed to turn a 3 year old's dislike for peas into a love for them and taught a toddler how to swim. I have tutored French, German and maths and would be happy to teach piano and/or guitar. And yes of course i can change nappies!
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From £10 per hour \
Jessica M.
  • From £12 /hr
  • Hounslow
I already have experience since I was 15
| i come from a big family i have many cousins ​​and i was often responsible for them that's when I discovered that I love taking care of children and I have a lot of patience with them
... more
  • From £12 /hr
  • Hounslow
I already have experience since I was 15
| i come from a big family i have many cousins ​​and i was often responsible for them that's when I discovered that I love taking care of children and I have a lot of patience with them
... more
From £12 per hour \
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Childcare in Hounslow

When do you need childcare?