Childcare in Dudley

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Joy M.
  • From £15 /hr
  • Dudley
Hi, I’m Joy, I love working with families to make there life that little bit more easy to manage.
| Childcare is something I can honestly say i enjoy , I can be that person you can trust (hard this day and age to know who to trust). I will look after your children the same as I would look after my own, I am available when needed and can babysit at short notice. Over the years I have found finding babysitters quite hard even registered ones just were not my cup of tea so it gave me the idea of being that person you can call when you and the hubby decide a night out is needed or you want to go do a quick session at the gym or go out to lunch with friends, I am a mother of 3 so who better than someone with the experience, I am jolly, friendly, soft and would like to help you when needed. If you are interested just give me a call we can meet up first so you can get to know me better. I look forward to hearing from you. I have experience working in a school with a little blind boy and children with special needs, I also have been a nanny/ housekeeper for quite a few families and worked both childcare and cleaning - I also have experience in care . Joy.
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  • From £15 /hr
  • Dudley
Hi, I’m Joy, I love working with families to make there life that little bit more easy to manage.
| Childcare is something I can honestly say i enjoy , I can be that person you can trust (hard this day and age to know who to trust). I will look after your children the same as I would look after my own, I am available when needed and can babysit at short notice. Over the years I have found finding babysitters quite hard even registered ones just were not my cup of tea so it gave me the idea of being that person you can call when you and the hubby decide a night out is needed or you want to go do a quick session at the gym or go out to lunch with friends, I am a mother of 3 so who better than someone with the experience, I am jolly, friendly, soft and would like to help you when needed. If you are interested just give me a call we can meet up first so you can get to know me better. I look forward to hearing from you. I have experience working in a school with a little blind boy and children with special needs, I also have been a nanny/ housekeeper for quite a few families and worked both childcare and cleaning - I also have experience in care . Joy.
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From £15 per hour \
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Childcare in Dudley

When do you need childcare?