Childcare in Armadale and Blackridge

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Elyssa R.
  • From £12 /hr
  • Armadale and Blackridge
I am a kind, caring and compassionate person who loves working and caring for children.
| Hello! My name is Elyssa and I am 22 years old. I am looking to offer nanny duties/ baby sitting throughout the week. I am a well-mannered, helpful, polite, and respectful individual who takes my commitments seriously. I completed two years at Camp America where I lived in a cabin with twelve 9-12 year old girls for 8 weeks. I was responsible for morning and night routines/ ensuring friendly and welcoming environments for all the kids/ dealing with emotional situations e.g. homesickness/ teaching meal manners and set ups/ being an approachable and kind adult who they knew they could come to about anything. I was also a high ropes counsellor through the day for all kids at the camp (all ages) which involved a lot of responsibility. At the end of my second year I was voted Counsellor Of The Year, voted on by all kids at camp ( over 800 kids over an 8 week period). This is by far my proudest achievement of my life thus far! I would absolutely love to continue my childcare journey here in Scotland and totally understand the trust you put in someone to look after your child. I have also completed a Higher qualification in early education and childcare in my 5th year of high school.
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  • From £12 /hr
  • Armadale and Blackridge
I am a kind, caring and compassionate person who loves working and caring for children.
| Hello! My name is Elyssa and I am 22 years old. I am looking to offer nanny duties/ baby sitting throughout the week. I am a well-mannered, helpful, polite, and respectful individual who takes my commitments seriously. I completed two years at Camp America where I lived in a cabin with twelve 9-12 year old girls for 8 weeks. I was responsible for morning and night routines/ ensuring friendly and welcoming environments for all the kids/ dealing with emotional situations e.g. homesickness/ teaching meal manners and set ups/ being an approachable and kind adult who they knew they could come to about anything. I was also a high ropes counsellor through the day for all kids at the camp (all ages) which involved a lot of responsibility. At the end of my second year I was voted Counsellor Of The Year, voted on by all kids at camp ( over 800 kids over an 8 week period). This is by far my proudest achievement of my life thus far! I would absolutely love to continue my childcare journey here in Scotland and totally understand the trust you put in someone to look after your child. I have also completed a Higher qualification in early education and childcare in my 5th year of high school.
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From £12 per hour \
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Childcare in Armadale and Blackridge

When do you need childcare?