Babysitters in Cherwell

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Esperanca D.
  • From £12 /hr
  • Cherwell
Loving ,caring and fun person to be with.Enjoy being around kids playing and having a great time.
| Am a 31year old lady whose caring, patient,loving and compassionate.I love being around kids since I was once a Sunday school teacher.Always find fun ways to entertain them so we both have a great time.
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  • From £12 /hr
  • Cherwell
Loving ,caring and fun person to be with.Enjoy being around kids playing and having a great time.
| Am a 31year old lady whose caring, patient,loving and compassionate.I love being around kids since I was once a Sunday school teacher.Always find fun ways to entertain them so we both have a great time.
... more
From £12 per hour \
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Babysitters in Cherwell

When do you need childcare?