Childcare in Breckland

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Claire C.
1 Verification
  • From £12 /hr
  • Breckland
1 Verification
Caring and nurturing!
| I've worked in childcare from the age of 18 and I'm now 45. I have worked in nursery's ,childminding and nannying and as a school play supervisor. I'm currently looking for a nanny position. I currently work in a local nursery in Wymondham as planning cover on a Friday but also emergency cover when needed if I'm available. I'm looking for a local nanny position and can be flexible with days and times ( my only commitment is Fridays to the Nursery).I'm happy to do early starts and late finishes. I'm a mum to 3 children aged 20,18 and 16 all in further education .Most my work experience is with the under fives,I'm also very comfortable around animals and have a Labrador.
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  • From £12 /hr
  • Breckland
Caring and nurturing!
| I've worked in childcare from the age of 18 and I'm now 45. I have worked in nursery's ,childminding and nannying and as a school play supervisor. I'm currently looking for a nanny position. I currently work in a local nursery in Wymondham as planning cover on a Friday but also emergency cover when needed if I'm available. I'm looking for a local nanny position and can be flexible with days and times ( my only commitment is Fridays to the Nursery).I'm happy to do early starts and late finishes. I'm a mum to 3 children aged 20,18 and 16 all in further education .Most my work experience is with the under fives,I'm also very comfortable around animals and have a Labrador.
... more
From £12 per hour \
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Childcare in Breckland

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