Childcare in Mole Valley

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Sue R.
  • From £8 /hr
  • Mole Valley
30 years +Experienced Childminder With vacancies
| I am a mum of 2 teens and i was a nanny for 28yrs before registering as a childminder in 2014. I was graded Good by ofsted last year. I am a home from home childminder.I offer full time childcare and i also do term time only if required. I currently have spaces Mon-Thurs 8.30-6. I provide all meals and activities. I live in between the RAC club and Freemans school. I also do babysitting. I have a toy filled playroom and a large garden. I am active in going to playgroups,softplay and parks etc. I consider myself to be kind, honest, reliable, caring, but most of all someone who loves children.
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  • From £8 /hr
  • Mole Valley
30 years +Experienced Childminder With vacancies
| I am a mum of 2 teens and i was a nanny for 28yrs before registering as a childminder in 2014. I was graded Good by ofsted last year. I am a home from home childminder.I offer full time childcare and i also do term time only if required. I currently have spaces Mon-Thurs 8.30-6. I provide all meals and activities. I live in between the RAC club and Freemans school. I also do babysitting. I have a toy filled playroom and a large garden. I am active in going to playgroups,softplay and parks etc. I consider myself to be kind, honest, reliable, caring, but most of all someone who loves children.
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From £8 per hour \
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Childcare in Mole Valley

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