Childcare in Derbyshire Dales

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Olivia M.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Derbyshire Dales
A compassionate, caring and reliable childcare provider and early years teacher.
| My name is Olivia and I am twenty-three years old. I have been categorised as an 'Outstanding' early years and primary teacher after completing my PGCE Primary in summer 2020. I have over six years of experience providing childcare and primary teaching in a variety of professional contexts. These include, but are not limited to; nannying at a travel resort in Zakynthos, teaching primary at both independent and state schools in all key stages, and providing respite care for children with special educational needs and disabilities. I am happy to provide more details of my experience and send you my CV and a personal statement detailing my childcare and education experience. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require/be interested in receiving more information.
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Derbyshire Dales
A compassionate, caring and reliable childcare provider and early years teacher.
| My name is Olivia and I am twenty-three years old. I have been categorised as an 'Outstanding' early years and primary teacher after completing my PGCE Primary in summer 2020. I have over six years of experience providing childcare and primary teaching in a variety of professional contexts. These include, but are not limited to; nannying at a travel resort in Zakynthos, teaching primary at both independent and state schools in all key stages, and providing respite care for children with special educational needs and disabilities. I am happy to provide more details of my experience and send you my CV and a personal statement detailing my childcare and education experience. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require/be interested in receiving more information.
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From £10 per hour \
Baileybears sensory den
  • From £10 /hr
  • Derbyshire Dales
SEND / Disabilities specialist care including wrap around childcare and support
| Hi, I am a childcare provider that is very experienced in Autism. I can work flexible hours offering baby sitting, nanny duties and childminding. I own my own play-centre in Ashbourne called Bailey bears sensory den, so always something to do on a rainy day! In that centre I operate drop in crèche and specialise in providing activities that are inclusive for children with SEND. I can work weekends offering respite care also please feel free to drop me a message I am happy to answer any questions..
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Derbyshire Dales
SEND / Disabilities specialist care including wrap around childcare and support
| Hi, I am a childcare provider that is very experienced in Autism. I can work flexible hours offering baby sitting, nanny duties and childminding. I own my own play-centre in Ashbourne called Bailey bears sensory den, so always something to do on a rainy day! In that centre I operate drop in crèche and specialise in providing activities that are inclusive for children with SEND. I can work weekends offering respite care also please feel free to drop me a message I am happy to answer any questions..
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From £10 per hour \
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Childcare in Derbyshire Dales

When do you need childcare?