Childcare in Chiltern

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Daniel C.
  • From £8 /hr
  • Chiltern
I am 26 with over 6 years experience working at primary schools, nurseries and babysitting
| Although I'm young compared to most child carers I feel I am still just as responsible, mature and the perfect choice for anyone in need. I'm very passionate about working with children and as such work in both a school, and a Professional Childcare organisation providing school clubs and creches. I am passionate about teaching through fun and making sure that whatever activities are planned and take place are both appropriate and teach a lesson if possible. I have worked with children right from newborn up to the ages of 11. My baby experience includes everything from feeding, changing, bathing, night care, daytime games, and effectively doing all daily tasks required with a baby. And care experience for older children this ranges from educational games, recreational games, days out, walks and again feeding, cooking, bathing and again all round general care. I love to go for walks and I also love all aspects of arts and crafts. I feel I'm friendly, approachable and a good friendly face for kids to remember.
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  • From £8 /hr
  • Chiltern
I am 26 with over 6 years experience working at primary schools, nurseries and babysitting
| Although I'm young compared to most child carers I feel I am still just as responsible, mature and the perfect choice for anyone in need. I'm very passionate about working with children and as such work in both a school, and a Professional Childcare organisation providing school clubs and creches. I am passionate about teaching through fun and making sure that whatever activities are planned and take place are both appropriate and teach a lesson if possible. I have worked with children right from newborn up to the ages of 11. My baby experience includes everything from feeding, changing, bathing, night care, daytime games, and effectively doing all daily tasks required with a baby. And care experience for older children this ranges from educational games, recreational games, days out, walks and again feeding, cooking, bathing and again all round general care. I love to go for walks and I also love all aspects of arts and crafts. I feel I'm friendly, approachable and a good friendly face for kids to remember.
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From £8 per hour \
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Childcare in Chiltern

When do you need childcare?