Childcare in East Hampshire

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Olivia W.
  • From £11 /hr
  • East Hampshire
Experienced Babysitter/ Nanny, with excellent references available upon request.
| As an experienced Babysitter/ Nanny, I understand the importance of tailoring my approach to childcare: depending on a child’s specific needs. Coming from a big family has equipped me with the tools to bring out the best in children - whether it be helping with homework, encouraging creativity, or nurturing curious minds.
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  • From £11 /hr
  • East Hampshire
Experienced Babysitter/ Nanny, with excellent references available upon request.
| As an experienced Babysitter/ Nanny, I understand the importance of tailoring my approach to childcare: depending on a child’s specific needs. Coming from a big family has equipped me with the tools to bring out the best in children - whether it be helping with homework, encouraging creativity, or nurturing curious minds.
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From £11 per hour \
Jordon L.
  • From £10 /hr
  • East Hampshire
Nanny based in Alton area
| I am a loving energetic fun nanny, I have a caring and fair approach. I love to be outdoors and being hands on with the children and activities. I can cook good meals for a healthy balanced diet. Have my own 7 seater car. I am available mon-fri from early mornings till evenings. References from all previous families.
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  • From £10 /hr
  • East Hampshire
Nanny based in Alton area
| I am a loving energetic fun nanny, I have a caring and fair approach. I love to be outdoors and being hands on with the children and activities. I can cook good meals for a healthy balanced diet. Have my own 7 seater car. I am available mon-fri from early mornings till evenings. References from all previous families.
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From £10 per hour \
Monika B.
  • From £8 /hr
  • East Hampshire
Looking for a nice family
| I was an Au Pair in Scotland 2 years, taking care of 3 little boys (age 3, 6, 8), also in Spain for 1.5 years caring for 2 boys (age 4) and I was Nanny in the USA for 1 year taking care of a 1.5 years old little girl. Also I was baby sitting in Hungary for 1.5 years of 2 boys, age 4 months and 5 years.
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  • From £8 /hr
  • East Hampshire
Looking for a nice family
| I was an Au Pair in Scotland 2 years, taking care of 3 little boys (age 3, 6, 8), also in Spain for 1.5 years caring for 2 boys (age 4) and I was Nanny in the USA for 1 year taking care of a 1.5 years old little girl. Also I was baby sitting in Hungary for 1.5 years of 2 boys, age 4 months and 5 years.
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From £8 per hour \
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Childcare in East Hampshire

When do you need childcare?