Childcare in Aboyne, Upper Deeside and Donside

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Stephanie B.
  • From £8 /hr
  • Aboyne, Upper Deeside and Donside
Hi, my name is Stephanie and I've been working as a nanny for 25 years. I've looked after children from birth to 10years old. I've had mostly sole charge positions but I've also had a few shared care positions where they mum is around and I'm very comfortable working in this environment. I am happy to take on any childcare position and work with the parents to offer the best childcare cover that they need. I will do all nursery duties as well as family laundry if required. Cooking/shopping and dog walking can also be included. I am currently in the process of moving to Aboyne and I am happy to travel to secure a position. I am a confident driver and I have always had a clean license.
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  • From £8 /hr
  • Aboyne, Upper Deeside and Donside
Hi, my name is Stephanie and I've been working as a nanny for 25 years. I've looked after children from birth to 10years old. I've had mostly sole charge positions but I've also had a few shared care positions where they mum is around and I'm very comfortable working in this environment. I am happy to take on any childcare position and work with the parents to offer the best childcare cover that they need. I will do all nursery duties as well as family laundry if required. Cooking/shopping and dog walking can also be included. I am currently in the process of moving to Aboyne and I am happy to travel to secure a position. I am a confident driver and I have always had a clean license.
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From £8 per hour \
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Childcare in Aboyne, Upper Deeside and Donside

When do you need childcare?