Childcare in Bridge of Don

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Karen K.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Bridge of Don
Babysitter available for your weekend break
| I have worked 30 years in the healthcare industry, working in general dental practice I have looked after children aged from weeks old to early teenage years when they are attending the practice. I have brought up my own child, along with nephews and nieces I enjoy childcare, ensuring learning is important I have my PVG disclosure
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Bridge of Don
Babysitter available for your weekend break
| I have worked 30 years in the healthcare industry, working in general dental practice I have looked after children aged from weeks old to early teenage years when they are attending the practice. I have brought up my own child, along with nephews and nieces I enjoy childcare, ensuring learning is important I have my PVG disclosure
... more
From £10 per hour \
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Childcare in Bridge of Don

When do you need childcare?