Childminding Jobs in Kinloss

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Wrap around care needed

by Megan • Kinloss
I’m looking for a childminder to provide wrap around care for my daughter who will start primary school next year (aug 2025). I will need to drop her off with you between 07:30 and 08:00 and she will need taking to school. She will need picked up from school and cared for until 17:30-18:00 and this will be Mon-Fri. I am not sure what school she will be attending yet, it will depend on the childcare I can get for her
£38 - £494 Hr. / Day

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Looking For A Qualified Child Carer For Our Child
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by Hannah • Kinloss
We are looking for a nurturing and responsible carer to look after our child. We would like someone with a few years experience, references, and who lives near Kinloss. Thank you for reading. If you think you'd be a good match, please apply.
£331 - £42535 Hr. / Week
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Childminding Jobs in Kinloss

When can you start working as a child carer?