Tutors in Walkerton

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Megan M.
  • From $40 /hr
  • Walkerton
Soon to be Ontario Certified Educator, offering personalized tutoring
| I have a plethora of experience working with children and young adults. I was a teaching assistant during my undergrad at Western University. I have now taken the leap into offering personalized tutoring for students of all ages and abilities to ensure their utmost success during the school year! I am currently working towards my Bachelor of Education, so I am offering lots of part time hours to students while I am in school.
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  • From $40 /hr
  • Walkerton
Soon to be Ontario Certified Educator, offering personalized tutoring
| I have a plethora of experience working with children and young adults. I was a teaching assistant during my undergrad at Western University. I have now taken the leap into offering personalized tutoring for students of all ages and abilities to ensure their utmost success during the school year! I am currently working towards my Bachelor of Education, so I am offering lots of part time hours to students while I am in school.
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From $40 per hour \
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Tutors in Walkerton

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