Pet Care in Walkerton

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Maureen W.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Walkerton
1 Verification
Caring, loving and compassionate by nature!
| I am a very motivated individual who has a lot to love to share and who absolutely adores animals.
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  • From $15
  • Walkerton
Caring, loving and compassionate by nature!
| I am a very motivated individual who has a lot to love to share and who absolutely adores animals.
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From $15 \
Samantha G.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Walkerton
1 Verification
Experienced pet owner!
| I have owned a variety of pets since I was a child wich includ, snakes, bearded dragons, conure, rats, mice, a variety of fish, cows, horses, chickens, cats and small to large dogs. I see pets as members of the fanily and treat them like my own children! I currently have a Australian shepherd/ border collie mix named tikka. She's a great dog and well trained. I groom her often and take her for walks often and she has free range on the farm we live on. If you hire me I promise your pet will be like a child to me and will be taken care of very well!
... more
  • From $15
  • Walkerton
Experienced pet owner!
| I have owned a variety of pets since I was a child wich includ, snakes, bearded dragons, conure, rats, mice, a variety of fish, cows, horses, chickens, cats and small to large dogs. I see pets as members of the fanily and treat them like my own children! I currently have a Australian shepherd/ border collie mix named tikka. She's a great dog and well trained. I groom her often and take her for walks often and she has free range on the farm we live on. If you hire me I promise your pet will be like a child to me and will be taken care of very well!
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From $15 \
Tristan T.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Walkerton
1 Verification
Just your local dog walker or baby sitter!
| I am new to the Walkerton area, and I am just looking to make some extra cash. I love to make sure that every animal is tend to and loved, I am gentle and loving I love to go on walks, so if you need a dog walker. I am here :) I also love to babysit, I moved from the north so I am missing my Nephew I babysat up there
... more
  • From $15
  • Walkerton
Just your local dog walker or baby sitter!
| I am new to the Walkerton area, and I am just looking to make some extra cash. I love to make sure that every animal is tend to and loved, I am gentle and loving I love to go on walks, so if you need a dog walker. I am here :) I also love to babysit, I moved from the north so I am missing my Nephew I babysat up there
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From $15 \
Amanda B.
  • From $10
  • Walkerton
Independent & caring Animal lover (I am a crazy cat lady) looking for something to fill my time.
| I have owned animals my entire life , from horses, rodents, birds , cats & sheep you name it I have always loved and appreciated them. I am a very independent person & care deeply about the well-being of animals so much so that I actually rescued 4 cats (I actually have 5 cats total). I love to walk and don’t mind the cold (try to walk 10km at least 2-4x a week. I have experience in house sitting & animal sitting for multiple weeks & dealing with temperamental animals (dogs & cats). Ps I’m a photographer as well so you will never have to worry about worry about not having photos of them.
... more
  • From $10
  • Walkerton
Independent & caring Animal lover (I am a crazy cat lady) looking for something to fill my time.
| I have owned animals my entire life , from horses, rodents, birds , cats & sheep you name it I have always loved and appreciated them. I am a very independent person & care deeply about the well-being of animals so much so that I actually rescued 4 cats (I actually have 5 cats total). I love to walk and don’t mind the cold (try to walk 10km at least 2-4x a week. I have experience in house sitting & animal sitting for multiple weeks & dealing with temperamental animals (dogs & cats). Ps I’m a photographer as well so you will never have to worry about worry about not having photos of them.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Walkerton

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