Math Tutors in Bolton

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Majid N.
1 Verification
  • From $45 /hr
  • Bolton
1 Verification
Private tutoring of Math and Physics at all levels
| I am a Math and Physics instructor with more than 15 years of teaching experience.I am a graduate of University and I have an extensive tutoring experience and a very effective and flexible method of teaching which is adapted and tailored to the needs and abilities of my students. The first session is spent on evaluation of the student and planning for the future sessions based on his/her needs with no charge.
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  • From $45 /hr
  • Bolton
Private tutoring of Math and Physics at all levels
| I am a Math and Physics instructor with more than 15 years of teaching experience.I am a graduate of University and I have an extensive tutoring experience and a very effective and flexible method of teaching which is adapted and tailored to the needs and abilities of my students. The first session is spent on evaluation of the student and planning for the future sessions based on his/her needs with no charge.
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From $45 per hour \
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Math Tutors in Bolton

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