Special Needs Care in West Vancouver

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Mohammad Reza K.
  • From $25 /hr
  • West Vancouver
Creativity to make plans to be with my clients and I give them hope.
| I have worked 2 years with an autism person who was 28 years old. I'm friendly and responsible for what I do at my job. I work with another person who is 34 years old and he feel comfortable to work with me. I have master of degree in psychology and experienced how to treat with all those patients who need support.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • West Vancouver
Creativity to make plans to be with my clients and I give them hope.
| I have worked 2 years with an autism person who was 28 years old. I'm friendly and responsible for what I do at my job. I work with another person who is 34 years old and he feel comfortable to work with me. I have master of degree in psychology and experienced how to treat with all those patients who need support.
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From $25 per hour \
Kirke K.
  • From $20 /hr
  • West Vancouver
Looking for a challenging position in special-needs field.
| CAREER GOAL Seeking for a challenging position in special-needs and autism related workplace. I would like to work and use my educational qualifications and experience in special-needs area, especially I would like to work as an RBT or related to ABA. PROFILE SUMMARY • Five years experience in sales and administration. • 2 years experience in hospital with special-needs children. • Strong organizational and analytical skills. • Strong in communication and helping people in need.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • West Vancouver
Looking for a challenging position in special-needs field.
| CAREER GOAL Seeking for a challenging position in special-needs and autism related workplace. I would like to work and use my educational qualifications and experience in special-needs area, especially I would like to work as an RBT or related to ABA. PROFILE SUMMARY • Five years experience in sales and administration. • 2 years experience in hospital with special-needs children. • Strong organizational and analytical skills. • Strong in communication and helping people in need.
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From $20 per hour \
Megan H.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • West Vancouver
1 Verification
Caring, fun, and patient, I’m passionate about supporting others in leading their best lives.
| Hi there, My name is Megan. I have worked in roles in, youth work, mental health support, special needs teaching and disability support. I am currently working for a wonderful family in Vancouver in their home, which I am thoroughly enjoying. I am looking to transition into a new role and am open to full or part-time hours. I'm really looking forward to meeting you.
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • West Vancouver
Caring, fun, and patient, I’m passionate about supporting others in leading their best lives.
| Hi there, My name is Megan. I have worked in roles in, youth work, mental health support, special needs teaching and disability support. I am currently working for a wonderful family in Vancouver in their home, which I am thoroughly enjoying. I am looking to transition into a new role and am open to full or part-time hours. I'm really looking forward to meeting you.
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From $25 per hour \
Taylor C.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • West Vancouver
1 Verification
Hi there! I’m Taylor, an education assistant new to the area, excited to meet your family!
| I understand upon looking at this that one year of experience may put me at a disadvantage to others, but I feel with human beings, each so unique it doesn’t matter if you have 1 month or 10 year experience, it depends on your connection with the individual you’re working with. I really make sure to take my time to build that relationship and connection to best support the needs of the child I’m working with. I would be so happy to connect with your family and see how we all get on and if I may be a good fit to help with your son! I have patience for miles and tend to especially work well with those diagnosed with ADHD and ASD. I am fun and silly and kind but also know how to be assertive and keep clear boundaries. I am more than happy to help with whatever I can wherever I can. Hope to hear from you, Taylor
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • West Vancouver
Hi there! I’m Taylor, an education assistant new to the area, excited to meet your family!
| I understand upon looking at this that one year of experience may put me at a disadvantage to others, but I feel with human beings, each so unique it doesn’t matter if you have 1 month or 10 year experience, it depends on your connection with the individual you’re working with. I really make sure to take my time to build that relationship and connection to best support the needs of the child I’m working with. I would be so happy to connect with your family and see how we all get on and if I may be a good fit to help with your son! I have patience for miles and tend to especially work well with those diagnosed with ADHD and ASD. I am fun and silly and kind but also know how to be assertive and keep clear boundaries. I am more than happy to help with whatever I can wherever I can. Hope to hear from you, Taylor
... more
From $20 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in West Vancouver

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